Rolf Clauberg: List of Publications

  1. Globalization and transnational operations or block building and regionalization?
    R. Clauberg.
    Russia and the world: the development of civilizations. World, country, university - 25 years of development,
    Moscow and Oline, 03-04 April 2024

  2. The new emerging world economic order for the 21st century
    R. Clauberg.
    Russia and the World: Development of Civilizations. Scientific Heritage and Views of V.V. Zhirinovsky on the emerging world order,
    Moscow and Online, April 13–14, 2023, pp 190-202

  3. Economic crises in an unsecure globalised world
    R. Clauberg.
    Transformation of the International Security in the XXI Century: Sanctions,Conflicts and Imperatives of Cooperation
    Online, Dec. 1st, 2022, pp 29-39

  4. Global changes in the world economic system and international relations
    R. Clauberg.
    Russia and the world: The development of civilizations. Transformations of civilizational values in the modern world - Россия и мир: Развитие цивилизаций. Преобразования цивилизационных ценностей в современном мире
    Moscow/Russia, Apr. 21-22, 2021, pp. 416-421
    also in

  5. Catch It If You Can: Real-Time Network Anomaly Detection With Low False Alarm Rates
    Georgios Kathareios, Andreea Anghel, Ákos Máté, Rolf Clauberg, Mitch Gusat.
    16th IEEE International Conference On Machine Learning And Applications (ICMLA), Cancun/Mexico, Dec. 18-21, 2017, pp. 1-9, IEEE

  6. Real-Time Security Services for SDN-based Datacenters
    P. Varga, G. Kathareios, A. Mate, R. Clauberg, A. Anghel, P. Orosz, B. Nagy, T. Tóthfalusi, L. Kovács, M. Gusat.
    13th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM), Tokyo/Japan, Nov. 26-30, 2017, pp. 924-929, IEEE

  7. Power measurements and cooling of the DOME 28nm 1.8GHz 24-thread ppc64 µServer compute node
    R.P. Luijten, M. Cossale, R. Clauberg, A.Doering.
    2015 International Conference on IC Design & Technology (ICICDT), June 1-3, 2015, IEEE, pp. 1-4
  8. Energy-efficient microserver based on a 12-core 1.8 GHz 188K-CoreMark 28nm bulk CMOS 64b SoC for big-data applications with 159GB/S/L memory bandwidth system density
    Ronald Luijten, Dae Pham, Rolf Clauberg, Matteo Cossale, Huy N Nguyen, Mihir Pandya
    Solid-State Circuits Conference-(ISSCC), 2015 IEEE International, pp. 1--3
  9. Tandem queue weighted fair smooth scheduling
    Nikolaos Chrysos, Fredy Neeser, Mitch Gusat, Rolf Clauberg, Cyriel Minkenberg, Claude Basso, Kenneth Valk
    Design Automation for Embedded Systems, 1--15, Springer, 2014
  10. Arbitration of many thousand flows at 100G and beyond
    Nikolaos Chrysos, Fredy Neeser, Mitch Gusat, Rolf Clauberg, Cyriel Minkenberg, Claude Basso, Kenneth Valk
    Proceedings of the 2013 Interconnection Network Architecture: On-Chip, Multi-Chip, pp. 5--8
  11. Occupancy Sampling for Terabit CEE Switches
    F.D. Neeser, N.I. Chrysos, R. Clauberg, D. Crisan, M. Gusat, C. Minkenberg, K.M. Valk, C. Basso
    High-Performance Interconnects (HOTI), 2012 IEEE 20th Annual Symposium on, pp. 64--71
  12. RFID and Sensor Networks - from Sensor/Actuator to Business Application
    R. Clauberg
    Proceedings of the RFID Workshop, St. Gallen, Switzerland, September 27, 2004.

  13. A Scalable SDH/SONET Framer Architecture for Datacom and Telco Applications
    A. Herkersdorf, P. Buchmann, R. Clauberg, W. Lemppenau, H.R. Schindler, D.J. Webb
    Proc. 2000 Int'l Zurich Seminar on Broadband Communications. Accessing, Transmission, Networking. IEEE Catalog No. 00TH8495 (IEEE, Piscataway, 2000) 191-198.
  14. A Scalable Modular Architecture for SDH/SONET Technology
    R. Clauberg, A. Herkersdorf, W. Lemppenau, and H.R. Schindler
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, Natick-Boston, Ma, October 11-13, 1999, pp. 442-446.
  15. Demonstration of the Three-Dimensional Vectorial Beam Propagation Method,
    O.J. Martin, R. Clauberg, and P. von Allmen
    Proceedings of 17th European Conference on Optical Communication ECOC'91, 8th International Optics and Optical Fibre Communication Conference IOOC'91, Paris, France, September 9-12, 1991, Part 1, pp. 281-284.
  16. Contactless High-Speed Waveform Measurements on GaAs Integrated Circuits with the Photoemission Sampling Technique
    H.K. Seitz, A. Blacha, R. Clauberg, H. Beha, and J. Feder
    Proceedings of the 1st European Test Conference ETC'89, Paris/France, April 12-14, 1989, (IEEE Computer Society), pp.176-179 (1989).
  17. Progress in Photoemission Sampling,
    H. Beha, R. Clauberg, H.K. Seitz, and A. Blacha
    invited presentation at the CompEuro '89, May 8-12, 1989, Hamburg/W.-Germany, published in 'Proceedings of COMPEURO 89, VLSI and Computer Peripherals', edited by W.E. Pröbster and H. Reiner (Computer Society Press of the IEEE, 1989), pp.5-105 - 5-109.
  18. Picosecond Photoemission Sampling for Contactless High Speed Integrated Circuit Diagnostics
    A. Blacha, R. Clauberg, H. Seitz, W. Wolz, and H. Beha
    invited presentation at the conference on Characterization of Very High Speed Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits: Critical Review of Technology, Bay Point/Florida/USA, March 23-25, 1987 published in SPIE Proceedings Vol. 795, 286-291 (1987).
  19. Cross-talk and transit-time effects in stroboscopic voltage measurements via electron emission
    R. Clauberg, A. Blacha, and H. Beha
    invited presentation at the conference on Characterization of Very High Speed Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits: Critical Review of Technology, Bay Point/Florida/USA, March 23-25, 1987 published in SPIE Proceedings Vol. 795, 207-211 (1987).
  20. High-Speed Integrated Circuit Testing by Time-Resolved Photoemission
    R. Clauberg, H.K. Seitz, A. Blacha, J.A. Kash, and H. Beha
    in Springer Series in Electronics and Photonics, Vol. 22 High-Speed Electronics, pp. 200-203, edited by B. Källbäck and H. Beneking, (Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 1986)