On October 24 and 25, 2019, the RUDN (Российский университет дружбы народов - Peoples' Friendship University of Russia) University in Moscow hosted the international conference "Emerging trends and challenges in management theory and practice". Dr. Rolf Clauberg was invited to the plenary session with the presentation "Challenges of Industry 4.0 and Artificial Intelligence for Modern Economies and Societies". The other speakers in the plenary session were Prof. George H. Stonehouse (United Kingdom), Prof. Natalia Y. Konina (MGIMO University, Russia), Prof. Valery V. Maslennikov (Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Russia), and Prof. Stanisław Walukiewicz (University of Technology in Bialystok, Poland). The plenary session was moderated by Prof. Victor S. Efremov (RUDN).
The figures above and more pictures of the conference were published by RUDN University on Instagram.
On December 13, 2018, a roundtable discussion on "Innovation-driven Development in Global Economy: Country and Company Experiences" took place in the Diplomatic Academy in Moscow. Dr. Rolf Clauberg gave an invited presentation entitled "Innovation aspects in international companies".
September 2018 Prof. Dr. Natalia Maslakova-Clauberg and Dr. Rolf Clauberg gave several lectures at various universities in Russia. Including on September 18 a lecture on "International aspects in computer security" by Dr. Rolf Clauberg as guest professor at the Diplomatic Academy in Moscow followed by a corresponding seminar on September 26. These were the first contributions of a planned series of lectures and seminars by Prof. Dr. Rolf Clauberg on this topic at the Institute for International Relations of the Diplomatic Academy. On September 20 at the Ural State University of Economics in Yekaterinburg, Prof. Dr. Natalia Maslakova-Clauberg gave a lecture on diplomatic protocol and business etiquette and Dr. Rolf Clauberg on September 21 a lecture on globalization and technology evolution. On September 25, Prof. Dr. Natalia Maslakova-Clauberg and Dr. Rolf Clauberg participated in the "2nd International Forum: Language Policy and Linguistic Security" at the Linguistic University of Nizhny Novgorod. Prof. Dr. Natalia Maslakova-Clauberg gave a lecture on "The Role of Public Diplomacy in Modern International Relations" and Dr. Rolf Clauberg on the influence of the 4 national languages, or the lack of a unified integrating language and culture, on the political structure of Switzerland.
On April 26 there was an international seminar titled "EU-Russia: Challenges and Opportunities for Mutually Beneficial Strategic Communication" at the Philosophical Faculty of the Lomonosov University. Speakers were from Italy, Great Britain, Switzerland, Russia, Serbia, Romania, Sweden, and Belgium. Prof. Dr. Rolf Clauberg participated with the presentation "EU - Russia : confrontation and misunderstandings in mass media".
On May 25 and 26 Prof. Dr. Natalia Maslakova-Clauberg gave a series of invited talks at the Institute of Internationale Relations of the Siberian University in Novosibirsk. Main topics of her lections were the diplomatic protocol and business etiquette. On May 26 Prof. Dr. Rolf Clauberg gave an invited talk at the same institute about the economic impact of globalization and industrial automatization.